Alina - Mihaela Truță
Full Text PDF | Cârcinov, ecological status, macrozoobenthos.

The present work was carried out based on the bibliographic material related to this fear, the data taken from the Argeș - Vedea Watershed Administration and personal research in the field, with the aim of establishing the ecological quality status of the Cârcinov Stream in the sampling points. The objectives considered to achieve the proposed goal were the following:

 Ecological zoning of the river based on the macrozoobenthos;

 Identification of the main taxonomic groups in macrozoobenthos;

 Ecological characterization of monitoring points based on ephemera fauna analysis.

 Establishing the quality ecological status of the Cârcinov Stream based on the macrozoobenthos analysis.

Cite this paper: Truță, A.M. (2023). THE ECOLOGICAL STATUS OF QUALITY OF THE CÂRCINOV STREAM BASED ON THE ANALYSIS OF THE MACROZOOBENTOS. Current Trends in Natural Sciences, 12(23), 335-344.

Current Trends in Natural Sciences

ISSN (online) 2284-953X
ISSN (CD-ROM) 2284-9521
ISSN-L 2284-9521
Publisher University of Pitesti, EUP