Monica Angela Neblea, Mădălina Cristina Marian
Full Text PDF | allogenic, control, croplands, hotspots, Dâmbovița

At the worldwide, the alien plant species represent a real threat to biodiversity and not only it. These species have a negative impact on agriculture, natural habitats, touristic activities, transport industry and human health. Agriculture is one of the most affected economic sector by the alien species, causing the productivity decrease and high economic costs for their prevention, eradication and control.

This paper presents a briefly review regarding the alien plant species from croplands in Dâmbovița county. The investigation in this territory revealed the presence of 23 allogenic and potentially allogenic plant species that vegetate in different types of agroecosystems, most of them have been recorded in the maize crops. Due to their invasive character, Ambrosia artemisiifolia, Sorghum halepense and Xanthium orientale subsp. italicum, with high population densities in some areas, are required specific measures for their control.

Cite this paper: Neblea, M.A., Marian, M.C. (2023). PRELIMINARY DATA CONCERNING ALIEN PLANT SPECIES IN AGRICULTURAL CROPS FROM DÂMBOVIȚA COUNTY (ROMANIA). Current Trends in Natural Sciences, 12(23), 59-67.

Current Trends in Natural Sciences

ISSN (online) 2284-953X
ISSN (CD-ROM) 2284-9521
ISSN-L 2284-9521
Publisher University of Pitesti, EUP