Aurelian Leonardo Ilie, Mariana Marinescu
Full Text PDF | cold season, invertebrates, Tinca area

The paper presents new researches about the invertebrates from Tinca area (Bihor county, Romania) during the cold season in the period November 1, 2022 – March 1, 2023. There were identified 91 species belonging to five groups of invertebrates. There were obtained some ecological data of these species unknown in the scientific literature. The high temperatures recorded in the cold season determined the identification of a large number of species, due to the extension of their activity period in nature. The drought and very high temperatures during the summer determined the appearance of the second annual generation in the species Dorcadion scopolii Herbst. in the cold season. Many of the specimens observed during the days died during the nights due to the low temperatures recorded. The presence of the larval stage in the species Chrysolina fastuosa Scop. in the cold season is reconfirmed. The presence of some species (example: Nezara viridula L., Pisaura mirabilis Clerck, Lumbricus terrestris L.) is noted throughout the entire analyzed period.

Cite this paper: Ilie, A.R., Marinescu, M. (2023).  NEW RESEARCHES ABOUT THE INVERTEBRATES FROM TINCA AREA (BIHOR COUNTY, ROMANIA) DURING THE COLD SEASON (NOVEMBER 1, 2022 – MARCH 1, 2023). Current Trends in Natural Sciences, 12(23), 193-202.

Current Trends in Natural Sciences

ISSN (online) 2284-953X
ISSN (CD-ROM) 2284-9521
ISSN-L 2284-9521
Publisher University of Pitesti, EUP