Ahmed Kadri, Ahmed Haddad, Mohamed Laarid, Benkhedda Belhaouari
Full Text PDF | Bio-Indicators, Cultural practice, Minimum tillage, Soil quality.

Tillage is a key element for crop success. Conservation tillage (CT) is frequently mentioned as a useful strategy for enhancing soil quality in agriculture. This studied the effect of reduced tillage on the chemical and microbial properties of the soil in a semi-arid region of northern Africa. At the experimental site in Algeria, soil parameters showed differences between conventional tillage (CT) and non-inversion minimum tillage (MT), with a tillage depth The results show that the effect of reduced tillage is highly significant (P value<0.001) on chemical elements compared to organic or mineral management. The Shannon index (H) indicates that the diversity is very good (H>5) of the 14 bacterial phyla detected. These results suggest a strategy that minimum tillage (MT) with tine tools better than discs. In order to improve the soil properties, its fertility and the yield of chickpea crops.

Cite this paper: Kadri, A., Haddad, A, Laarid, M., Belhaouari, B. (2023). IMPACT OF REDUCED TILLAGE ON SOIL CHEMISTRY AND MICROBIAL COMMUNITIES USED AS AN INDICATOR OF FERTILITY IN A SEMI-ARID REGION. Current Trends in Natural Sciences, 12(23), 107-117. https://doi.org/10.47068/ctns.2023.v12i23.012

Current Trends in Natural Sciences

ISSN (online) 2284-953X
ISSN (CD-ROM) 2284-9521
ISSN-L 2284-9521
Publisher University of Pitesti, EUP