Sorin Lucian Damian, Daniel Bucur, Sergiu Pruteanu
Full Text PDF | evapotranspiration, irrigation, Thornthwaite, water consumption

Water consumption of agricultural plants can be considered one of the main elements of the assessment needed for irrigation. Covering water needs during the growing season is done by applying irrigation. Quantitative studies on evapotranspiration performed on maize and sunflower crops showed different values. The average water consumption calculated according to the Thornthwaite method recorded the highest values in June, July and August. For the maize crop, the highest water consumption was reached in July (1480 m3 / ha or 27.1% of the total consumption), during which time the pollination, the growth of the cobs and the formation of the grain take place. In sunflower cultivation, the highest consumption was recorded in July (1302 m3 / ha or 28.2% of total consumption) and correspond to the phases of growth of the flowering head (inflorescence) and seed formation. The purpose of this paper is to establish the need for hydro-amelioration arrangements through a correct irrigation regime during the growing season following the results obtained based on water consumption in the crops studied. The present paper presents the results of water consumption in maize and sunflower crops, calculated according to the Thornthwaite method, as well as the correction coefficients for potential evapotranspiration conditions on the upper Prut river basin.

Cite this paper: Damian, S.L., Bucur, D., Pruteanu, S. (2022). RATIONAL USE OF OFF-SEASON RAINFALL AND WATER CONSUMPTION IN IRRIGATED CROPS IN THE CONDITIONS  ON THE UPPER BASIN OF THE RIVER PRUT. Current Trends in Natural Sciences, 11(21), 112-117.

Current Trends in Natural Sciences

ISSN (online) 2284-953X
ISSN (CD-ROM) 2284-9521
ISSN-L 2284-9521
Publisher University of Pitesti, EUP